Wildfire Mitigation Toolkit

The goal of the Wildfire Mitigation Toolkit is to outline landscape management strategies, or design templates, for wildfire hazard mitigation in coastal California. Its target audience is the general public interested in how to take proactive land management steps to reduce physical wildfire hazards and risks.

The design templates describe concept plans for native vegetation planting, restoration, and agricultural working lands conservation projects. When carried out in boundary areas between communities and wildland environments, such projects can expand areas of green, hydrated vegetation cover as protective buffers against future wildfires, with additional landscape benefits for native habitat and water conservation.

Vegetation Management Strategies for the Wildland Urban Interface in Coastal Central & Southern California

The Land Resilience Partnership provides free, downloadable design templates for use in Ventura County wherever you live, play or work. The design templates include guidance on how to design, install, and maintain local on-site tools that can help you build resilience and contribute to a healthier watershed, including:

  • Climate Appropriate Plantings

  • Rainwater Harvesting

  • Rain Gardens

  • Greywater Reuse

  • Mulching

  • Curb Cuts

  • Dry Creeks Riparian Design

Download free design templates for do-it-yourself projects:

Do you want help mitigating wildfire risk where you live, work, or play?

Design Templates for Wildfire Mitigation & Landscape Resilience

The Wildfire Mitigation Strategies Toolkit is the fruit of an 18-month collaboration over 2022-2023 between Spatial Informatics Group-Natural Assets Laboratory (SIG-NAL) scientists, conservationists, and Watershed Progressive landscape architects, designers, and engineers. SIG-NAL led the Santa Barbara Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program (RWMP)’s Landscape Domain between 2021-2024, with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund, granted through the California Fire Safe Council between 2021- 2024. Watershed Progressive was a lead contractor with SIG-NAL to design and implement landscape projects for the RWMP. Watershed Progressive is a consulting and design-build collaborative, focused on connecting communities to their watersheds through integrated strategies for a healthy, resilient future. The design templates draw upon research, ecosystem science and landscaping project expertise across both organizations.